- 2024
Jane Anson
"The Terroirs of Bordeaux
- 2024
Jean-Baptiste Lecaillon
"In Vinifera Aeternitas The rich intra-varietal diversity of Pinot noir in Champagne".
- 2024
Josh Bergström
"Oregon: pioneer of American Pinot Noir".
- 2024
Marc-André Selosse
"Microbes to care for and protect the vine".
- 2024
Thomas Duroux
"De la Viticulture au Maraîchage......du Maraîchage à la Viticulture" (From Viticulture to Market Gardening)
- 2023
Joseph Zisyadis & Federico Garzelli
"Viticulture and agroecology on the island of Patmos
- 2023
Theodore Georgopoulos
"Appellations of origin to the test of climate change".
- 2023
Bruno Prats
"From wild creeper to the vine of the future
- 2023
José Vouillamoz
"Climate change, which grape varieties for tomorrow?
- 2023
Josep Roca I Fontané
"Wine cooking. Emotional harmonies. People at the center of harmony".
- 2023
Kyriakos Kynigopoulos
"Yeast autolysis and its influence on wine quality".
- 2023
Etienne de Montille
"Three expressions of a Pinot Noir, three terroirs, three continents: Burgundy, California, Hokkaido".
- 2022
Axel Marchal
"Between tradition and innovation, the new challenges facing local wines".
- 2022
Angel Anocibar Beloqui
"Climate studies: how to maintain the personality of terroirs".
- 2022
Jeannie Cho Lee MW
"Chinese consumer's evolving relationship with fine wine brands".
- 2021
Bruno Prats
"Half a century of changes in the world of wine".
- 2021
Bruno Eugène Borie
"Le Contrat Naturel avec les terroirs viticoles médocains: éloge de la pensée gasconne" (The Natural Contract with Medoc wine-growing terroirs: praise for Gascon thinking)
- 2021
Alessandro Masnaghetti
"Wine, cartography and landscape" - Reflections on a new visual communication for wine
- 2021
Eva Moosbrugger
"The evolution of noble wines from the 19th century in Austria to the present and future".
- 2021
Périco Légasse
"Sensory and Spiritual Profile of the Appellation d'Origine" with tasting "
- 2021
Diana Snowden Seysses
"Opportunities for our wineries to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize our ecological impact".
- 2019
Christine Vernay
"The cultivation of sloping vineyards in the hillsides of Condrieu and Côte Rôtie".
- 2019
Gaston Hochar & Elie Maamari
"Lebanese viticulture and wine
- 2019
Dominique Piron
"The Beaujolais vineyard
- 2019
Jean-Pierre Chevallier
"Tuffeau chalk and Cabernet Franc: a beautiful Loire story".
- 2019
Hans Astrom
"The importance of education in the world of wine".
- 2019
Gabriel Lepousez
"Wine, the Brain and Tasting
- 2018
Juancho Asenjo
"Memory of European wine, 1850 - 1945. History, society, agriculture and wine".
- 2018
Reinhard Löwenstein
"Regression and emancipation: some aspects of contemporary wine".
- 2018
Willi Klinger
"7 Theses on Austrian Wine
- 2018
Michael Silacci
"Two Wolves, Three Coyotes and a Dog
- 2018
Raoul Salama
"Winegrowing abbeys
- 2018
Jesus Barquin
"Blood alcohol levels after moderate wine consumption: a controlled study".
- 2018
Eva Moosbrugger & Mr Emmerich Knoll
"Treasures of the Kamptal and Wachau valleys
- 2018
Oliver Spanier
"How is consumer behavior affecting the next generation using the example of Generation Y and what does this mean for the premium industry?"
- 2018
Raoul Cruchon
"An alternative and original solution for carbonic maceration of grapes".
- 2018
Jacques Seysses
"Real wine, real pleasure
- 2015
Angel Anocibar Beloqui
"Phytosanitary treatment of vines: residues "
- 2015
"Le vin noble: essai agronomique - Réflexions autour de son élaboration et de la production de Vin Naturel - Réflexions sur l'orientation de la production du "Vin Noble" et son état-civil".
- 2015
F. Murisier, M. Ferretti, V. Zufferey
"New management systems for steeply sloping terraced vineyards. Trials on Merlot in Ticino".
- 2015
Group work, directed by Jacques Puisais
"Reflections on the direction of noble wine production".
- 2015
Pio Boffa
"My personal experiences in the Pio Cesare family home
- 2015
Alexandre Schmitt
"Olfaction sessions: a new tool for wine professionals".
- 2015
Yiiannis Boutaris
"Wine and culture
- 2015
Nico Manessis
"Vineyards and wines of modern Greece
- 2015
Lydia&Claude Bourguignon
"Approche pédologique de la classification des crus de Bourgogne" (A pedological approach to classifying Burgundy wines)
- 2015
Jacques Puisais
"The civil status of noble wine
- 2015
Jacques Seysses
"Clonal selection in Burgundy: history, advantages and disadvantages".
- 2015
Gert V. Paczensky
"The treatment of noble wines in noble restaurants
- 2015
Pierre-Henry Gagey
"For the impeccable quality of Burgundy wines".
- 2015
Victor de la Serna
"Re-engineering Spain
- 2015
Raymond Paccot
"Féchy, what future?
- 2015
Claude Bourguignon
"The role of soil in expressing terroir
- 2015
Caspar Manz
"From the art of wine to its consumption
- 2015
Oscar Caballero
"Wine has not passed through me in vain".
- 2015
Jacques Puisais
"Relationship between the production of noble wines and their organoleptic properties".
- 2015
Mario Fregoni
"Definition of "terroir
- 2015
Joseph Puig Soler
"1979: Chile, the wine challenge
- 2015
René Rougier
"Winegrower's rhymes
- 2015
Christopher Cannan
"Evolution of the wine trade and its impact on small owners".
- 2015
Alain Senderens
"Wine and food pairings
- 2015
Jacky Rigaux
"Local wines and geo-sensory tasting
- 2015
Jesus Barquin
"Olfactory molecules in wine, understanding them and their impact".
- 2015
Lydia & Claude Bourguignon
"Hypotheses on the role of soil and soil biology in wine aroma synthesis".
- 2015
René Renou
The "Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée" label
- 2015
Jorge Lucki
"The Brazilian Challenge: how to add a large potential market to the elite's tradition of small consumption?"
- 2015
Pieter van Rooyen
"The history of South African vineyards
- 2015
Mario Fregoni
"Adapting viticulture to climate change
- 2015
Azélina Jaboulet-Vercherre
"The love of wine by listening to Nature through history".
- 2015
Michael Graf-Adelmann
"The role of the barrel in Germany
- 2015
Willi Klinger
"Chinese Viticulture - Development and Potential
- 2015
Christian Velot
"GMOs, everything explained
- 2015
José Vouillamoz
"What will become of the Vassal ampelographic collection?
- 2015
Group work
"Reflections on the elaboration of noble wine and the production of natural wine".
- 2015
Erik Sauter
"Real Wine" according to Patrick Mathews, noble wines according to the AIV "
- 2015
Alain Graillot
"Vinification of whole harvests
- 2015
Jesus Barquin
"Mes gourmandises poétiques et viticoles" (My poetic and viticultural treats)
- 2015
Maria José Lopez De Heredia
"Making castles in Spain, making castles in La Rioja History of La Rioja, terroir and quality "
- 2015
Dr. Hans Schulz Hans Schulz
"Climate change and its effects on viticulture".
- 2013
Hubert Boidron
"Saint-Emilion classification
- 2013
Dominique Lanzmann-Petithory
"The "French paradox" twenty years on: a tribute to Professor Serge Renaud".
- 2013
Guillaume d'Angerville
"Summary of the geography and history of Burgundy's climates
- 2012
Emilienne Hutin-Zumbach
"Geneva vineyards: evolution and prospects
- 2007
Erik Sauter
"The disappearance of the breeder and expert trader".
- 2002
Riccardo Margheriti
"Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée concept
- 2002
Alain Senderens
"Product origin and matching
- 2001
Noël Pinguet
"12 years of biodynamic cultivation
- 2000
Robert Gyula Cey-Bert
"The mysteries of the Hungarian word "Bor": in search of the values of a vanished wine civilization".
- 2000
Anne-Claude Leflaive(Moratoire)
"Earth and wine of the world
- 1999
Chantal Pegaz-Gajowka
"The new common market organization